
A collection of musings on movies and life, by a man who has no idea what it all means.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There's a first for everything.

If you had asked me, four years ago, or still better a decade ago, whether I thought I would be starting a blog about movies, I would have looked at you like you were crazy. Now, of course, that non-dream has been to an extent realized, and the long years of not waiting have come to a close. It's funny how that works out.

The point is, I never intended to be publishing my thoughts on much of anything in any sort of a public forum, as I have long been afflicted with a crippling self-consciousness. When you live your whole life feeling as though you are on display, there for the judging, it is I think understandably difficult to allow peers into that strange little world we call oneself. And besides, I never felt as though I had anything new to contribute to the public discourse. It is, of course, easy to use this as an excuse, and I seized upon that opportunity to escape from what I perceived as the already-judging eyes of the world.

Recently, however, I've realized something: that attitude is bullshit. I do have things to say, dammit! And, for better or for worse, I'd like to say them. As for topics, well, that was easy. I've been a movie fanatic for a number of years, watching several thousand movies in the last six years or so and somehow getting graded on my ability to analyze film. (As an aside, if you ever have the chance to take a class where your homework involves watching Singing in the Rain and eating pizza, I recommend you go for it.) The old axiom says, "write what you know." Well, I know film. So that's what this is all about.

Well, maybe not all about. You see, film to me is not just a series of images on the screen. To me, the experience of film watching and film making are truly two sides of the same coin. You can't get one without an equal measure of the other. What I intend this blog to do is examine each film I discuss holistically and with some immediacy. Naturally, my experiences are not universal, and it would be disingenuous for me to ask you to agree with me all the time. But I hope that my presentations of these films - be they reviews, analysis, or what have you - make you think about film in a different and somewhat deeper way. Feedback is appreciated. And, as a caveat, I reserve the right to discuss whatever the hell I want as part of this film corner. That's why I included the "etc." up above.

I'm glad you found my little corner in this series of tubes we call the Internet. Here's hoping you like what you find.


  1. Replies
    1. Why have I not done this yet? At the time, I hadn't seen it. But this could be forthcoming. Give me time.
